
Happiness requires something to do, something to love and something to hope for.

-If anybody makes you laugh, it is not always because he loves you. 

-Half education is more dangerous than no education. 

Why take away something by force which you can obtain by love. 

Where there is love there is no darkness. 

It’s the women who make some men succeed where others fail. 

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

There is often the look of an angel on the devil himself. 

You must decide where you are going in the evening, if you intend to leave early in the morning.

To manage yourself, use your head; to manage others, use your heart. 

Today is today; tomorrow is up to GOD. 

Men forget but never forgive. Women forgive but never forget.

Don't be afraid of a barking dog but you should be afraid of a silent dog. 

All truth is good, but not all truth is good to say. 

A wise man doesn't know everything—only a fool does.

If you educate a woman, you have educated a population.

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