Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and Adverbs  : 

Adjectives are used to modify nouns,
 Example : The dog is loud. – What is the dog like?  – loud

Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs,
 Example : The dog barks loudly. – How does the dog bark? – loudly
Explanations : 

  1. Comparison of Adjectives
  2. Form and Comparison of Adverbs
  3. Adjective or Adverb 

1-Comparison of Adjectives:

Positive Form : 

Use the positive form of the adjective if the comparison contains one of the following expressions:

as … as
Example: Jane is as tall as John.

not as … as / not so … as
Example: John is not as tall as Arnie.

Comparative Form and Superlative Form (-er/-est):

one-syllable adjectives (clean, new, cheap)
two-syllable adjectives ending in -y or -er (easy, happy, pretty, dirty, clever)

positive formcomparative formsuperlative form
cleancleaner(the) cleanest

Comparative Form and Superlative Form (more/most):

adjectives of three or more syllables (and two-syllable adjectives not ending in -y/-er)
positive formcomparative formsuperlative form
difficultmore difficultmost difficult

Comparative Form and Superlative Form (irregular comparisons) :

positive formcomparative formsuperlative form
bad / illworseworst
little (amount)lessleast
little (size)smallersmallest
much / manymoremost
far (place + time)furtherfurthest
far (place)fartherfarthest
late (time)laterlatest
late (order)latterlast
near (place)nearernearest
near (order)-next
old (people and things)olderoldest
old (people)eldereldest

2-Form and Comparison of Adverbs:

Adverbs are used to express how something is done (adjectives express how someone or something is).
Example: The dog sleeps quietly. The dog is absolutely quiet.

Form : 

In general: adjective + -ly :


Adjectives ending in -ic: adjective + -ally (exception: public-publicly) :


Exceptions :

adjectiveadverb (meaning)adverb (meaning)
difficultwith difficulty
deepdeep (place)deeply (feeling)
directdirectdirectly (=soon)
hardhardhardly (=seldom)
highhigh (place)highly (figurative)
latelatelately (=recently)
mostmostmostly (=usually)
nearnearnearly (=almost)
prettypretty (=rather)prettily
shortshortshortly (=soon)
The following adjectives are also used as adverbs (without modification):daily, enough, early, far, fast, hourly, little, long, low, monthly, much, straight, weekly, yearly, …

3- Adjective or Adverb:

Linking Verbs:

Some verbs can only be used with adjectives, others might change their meaning when used with an adverb.
verbused with an adjectiveused with an adverb
looklook good (= appearance)look well (= healthy)
feelfeel good (= state of health/mind)feel well (= have a good sense of touch)
smellsmell good (= odour)smell well (= have a good sense of smell)
tastetaste good (= preference)taste well (= have a good sense of taste)

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