Personal Description

AppearanceI am / You are / He is / She is … tall
 overweight, fat
 … years old.
 beautiful / pretty (Mädchen / Frau), handsome (Junge / Mann)
 sun-tanned pale
I have / You have / He has / She has (got) … blue / green / grey / brown eyes
 a beard
 a full beard
 a moustache
 a goatee
 a stubbly beard
 blond hair
 red hair
 brown hair
 black hair
 dyed hair
 blond highlights
 short hair
 long hair
 straight hair
 curly hair / curls
 a bald head
 a square / round / triangular / oval face
 a big / small / long nose
 big / small ears
Clothing and Accessories
 I wear / You wear / He wears / She  wears … glasses
 contact lenses
 I am wearing / You are wearing / He/She is wearing … earrings
 a necklace
 a wristband
 a bracelet
 a cap
 a red scarf
 a tie
I am / You are / He is / She is … shy
 a pain in the neck
 a little chatter box

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